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Someone recently asked me about clinics. If one person asks the question, many more are thinking it! Here is how I approach the idea of a “clinic” and why my approach is dramatically different then the traditional approach.

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What to do When the Shoulders get “Stuck”

In this article I will discuss the importance of being able to move the shoulders, and what to do when you can’t!

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Things to Consider When Building a Round Pen

Reposted from Round Pens Ireland.

Getting the round pen (or arena) just right is both a science and an art. Footing that is too deep can cause a horse to strain a tendon, not deep enough won’t provide enough cushion for hard work. Covered? Lights? It can get confusing really quick for a horse owner considering adding a round pen to their back yard.

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The Art of Despooking Part 2

In this article, I will continue to teach you how to despook your horse. It is very important that your horse is prepared for this task before you begin. For details on preparing your horse, read part one here.

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How to Round Pen a Horse

This was originally posted on my site.

In this article I will cover the basics of round penning a horse. Some trainers (Monty Roberts for example) have made a career of round penning horses, and while it is a skill to be learned, its not rocket science. With practice and patience, anyone can be successful in the round pen.

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Preparing to Despook Part 1

de-spookingSeveral elements need to come together in order to be successful at this. For this reason, this will be split into two parts. Part one will focus on preparing to despook. So lets get started!

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Blogs, Round Pens and Little Fall Downs!

For this week I thought I would write a little bit about whats been going on at Natural Bridges. I have loads of projects in the works, and am very excited to share them with everyone.

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How Natural Horsemanship Found Me

I’m sure most people will find elements of their own story here. After 20 years of practicing natural horsemanship, I’ve seen it again and again. Here is my story.

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Working Without a Net

When I first came to Ireland, I found it strange that there wasn’t a round pen in every facility. Back home, everyone has a round pen. Even traditional show barns have round pens to keep the arena free from people lunging their horses.

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Finn Sees the “Light”

 I have started writing about Finn, my recent project horse. Finn has no stop, no whoa, no off button when things go wrong.

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