Because what I do is significantly different from a traditional “riding instructor”, it has been suggested that I write an article detailing what happens when someone calls to book me for a session.
Because what I do is significantly different from a traditional “riding instructor”, it has been suggested that I write an article detailing what happens when someone calls to book me for a session.
In previous articles (despooking part 1, part 2) I discussed the basics of despooking using rhythm. In this article I will take it one step further, and add the element of chaos.
Someone recently asked me about clinics. If one person asks the question, many more are thinking it! Here is how I approach the idea of a “clinic” and why my approach is dramatically different then the traditional approach.
In this article, I will continue to teach you how to despook your horse. It is very important that your horse is prepared for this task before you begin. For details on preparing your horse, read part one here.
This was originally posted on my site.
In this article I will cover the basics of round penning a horse. Some trainers (Monty Roberts for example) have made a career of round penning horses, and while it is a skill to be learned, its not rocket science. With practice and patience, anyone can be successful in the round pen.
I’m sure most people will find elements of their own story here. After 20 years of practicing natural horsemanship, I’ve seen it again and again. Here is my story.
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